KAVO, 2020
With its improved powder jet, perfectly balanced adjustable length, PROPHYflex 4 is the new revolutionary air polishing system ideal for natural teeth, implants, and ortho patients. The ultra-light handpiece has individually adjustable lengths for comfortable handling.​​​​​​​ For the best-possible hygiene, the KaVo PROPHYflex 4 device body has a seamless design. The PROPHYflex 4 can be easily disassembled, cleaned and disinfected, as well as sterilised.
project info

Name: PROPHYflex™ 4​​​​​​​ next generation air polisher
Client: KaVo Dental
Type: Product Design
Concept: Tim Hinderhofer
Collaborator: SLOGDESIGN 
Completion: 2020
Video: KaVo Dental